
Here I am as a child, taking a break after patching
and sanding drywall at our home in Elmhurst, Illinois.

Ok, I’m kidding. My folks didn’t let me help with home renovations until I was ten. And then it was just cleaning up after them with solvents and cleaners that have since been banned in the U.S. I might be kidding about that as well, but the fumes I inhaled have clouded my memories so I can’t be certain.

But what I can tell you is that I’ve always been a creative person; I can get lost in my imagination for an entire day if I’m not careful. And when you have a mind like that, a creative outlet is needed. For me, it has been writing, and a camera.

Ever since I was sixteen I’ve had a camera in my life. For years, I made it my world. And it still is, but as I’ve gotten older, I am writing more and more and more. While a camera gives me visual satisfaction, the written word has the capability to reveal things a camera cannot. For me, the two mediums go hand-in-hand, and I will never be without a camera or a pen. These two mediums mean so much to me I decided to create a blog just so I can write about them. Click on this link and see for yourself: www.penpaperlens.com

I just wish I still had that hat…

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